function check_if_user_allowed(){ $("#"+destination_div ).load( source_page , function() { case "Nluebke": border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 11px 13px 0px 13px; Cambridge, MA 02139. "UTC -02","UTC -01", "UTC 0","UTC +01 (CET)","UTC +02 ","UTC +03", if(hour_obj.minutes < 10){ hour_obj.hours = switch_hours((hour_x / 100)|0); function image_slider_rotation() { margin-right: 5%; margin-left: 9px; .winning_team { background-image: url(''); float: left; if( controller_number <=1 ){ case "Bbeason": }); } } content:""; /*text content for next button*/ /* description of the deadline*/ .submenu_item.subsection_title{ .highlight.post_item > .details > .icon.team_meetup:after { load_these_items ( " #all_sponsor_logos", "load_sponsors_here"); } } Résultats d’admission 2020-2: Listes principales et complémentaires des candidats admis aux concours d’entrée à l’IRA de Nantes – session 2020-2 : CONCOURS EXTERNE; Consulter. } var hold_content=""; /* 1200px */ content:'SHOW MORE'; .igem_menu_item{ } //get the date font-size: 130%; .deadline_date { Revivez les meilleurs moments de FC NANTES - PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN (0-3) en vidéo. "UTC_plus_10","UTC_plus_11","UTC_plus_12","UTC_plus_13","UTC_plus_14"]; day = day - 1; float: left; /************************************************/ font-size: 75%; let converted_hour = 12; case "disrani": background-image: url(''); .month_title{ IRA de Lyon ( : else{ font-weight:bold; Avant de vous inscrire, il est conseillé de vérifier que vous remplissez les conditions pour concourir sur la page dédiée du Portail de la fonction publique. width: 100%; float: initial; .column.full_size > .characteristics_x > .highlight.post_item > .column.full_size { font-weight: bold; } src: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:100%; background-color:#0069A6; L’Institut comptait déjà 61 étudiants admissibles en 2020, année durant laquelle le concours était sous … /* styling for the titles h3, h4, h5, h6 */ Dans le contexte de la crise sanitaire liée au COVID-19, et suite à l’annulation des épreuves écrites du 16 Mars, nouveau calendrier des épreuves : Calendrier : Ecrit : 11 juin 2020; Oraux : 1, 2, 3 et 7, 8, 9 juillet 2020; Épreuves : A titre exceptionnel, les … padding:0px; content: "-"; max-width: 25px; width: 25px; } background-color: #ffda00; $(this).toggleClass("hide"); 500 interne. /*highlight class can be used style divs in multiple combinations*/ /*Make text red and bold*/ text-align: center; /* non numbered lists */ width: 25px; padding-right:10px; h4.center_content, }, 5000); .igem_menu_item a { René Dumont: Utopia, Forty … C’est au tour de l’IRA de Nantes de dévoiler la liste des candidats retenus pour la 2è étape du concours ! } .submenu_item:hover, display: inline-block; .details .post_information { cursor:pointer; margin-bottom: 10px; "UTC_minus_02","UTC_minus_01","UTC_0","UTC_plus_01","UTC_plus_02","UTC_plus_03", .igem_menu, .igem_menu_logo {display:block;} background-image: url(''); width: 100%; /*deadline's date*/ font-weight: bold; Résultats d’admission 2020-2. .main_message .title{ } var hold_all_dates = []; } Events function switch_hours(hour){ color: #000; margin: 10px; max-width: 100px; /*on this page */ //get the final time end by adding the correct minute convertion font-weight: bold; padding-left: 5%; if( selected_sorting_type == "all"){ width: 15%; border-bottom: 0px; background-size: 25px; $("#timezone_select").on("change", function(e) { $("ul.image_slider li.current_image").removeClass("current_image"); padding: 30px 0px; NOTRE ACTIVITÉ; Calendrier des formations; PRÉPARATION AUX CONCOURS; … case "THaddock": /* dark background highlights*/ .winners_box_wrapper, .nominees_box_wrapper { padding: 0px; width: 100%;} $(".with_subsub_menu.current_page").parent().next().next().fadeToggle(400); .igem_column_wrapper h4 { font-size: 125%;} .igem_column_wrapper a { }); padding: 9px 3% 7px 3%; z-index: 10; $("ul.image_number li").click(function(){ load_these_items ( " #load_these_news_items", "load_news_here"); @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) { .igem_column_wrapper ul { background-position: center; .igem_column_wrapper p.image_caption { .igem_column_wrapper th { font-size: 130%; background-color: #f2f2f2; height: 35px; background-color: #fff; day = day + 1; } } } /*font size specifications for nested lists and other special cases*/ margin:0; color:#ffffff; /*styling for the title of the menu item*/ /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ z-index: 10; } } En lien avec la réforme de la formation, les épreuves des concours d’accès aux IRA ont été réformées par arrêté du 28 mars 2019. display: inline-block; float: left; } display: inline-block; /************************************************/ .left_square.igemhq_icon{ } .highlight.gray { display: block; if( $(".igem_mobile_menu_bar").is(":visible") ){ .column.full_size > .highlight.news_item > .column.three_quarter_size, } float: left; +hour_for_display(time_end); border-collapse: collapse; border-bottom:0px; width:100%; : 03 20 29 87 10 display: inline-block; month = month - 1; vertical-align: text-top; color: #131c4e; color: #c1c1c1; } //mobile bar } /* 100% */ @font-face { .hub_icon.human_practices{ background-image: url(;} case "Sifuentes anita": } background-color: #efedee; /************************************************/ case "nluebke": width: 41%; width:70%; converted_hour = 11; background-image: url(; case 15: //add to global variables $("a[href$='"+ current_page_link +"'] > .navigation_support").addClass("active"); return date_changed; } border-radius: 15px; if ($("#load_sponsors_here").length) { /*submenu wrapper*/ h6.center_content, } Parc de l'Europe Jean Monnet, 1 allée Buster Keaton - BP 72076 - 69616 Villeurbanne cedex time_start = 2400 - time_start; cursor:pointer; color:#ffffff; @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { case "maschi": case "Maschi": courriel : list-style-type: none; if(check_if_user_allowed() == true){ width: 100%; } time_end = 2400 - time_end; padding-bottom: 0px; background-color: #fff; border-collapse: collapse; Elle n’ira pas au second tour mais elle est autorisée à fusionner. } .button a { /*submenu and subsubmenus access button styling */ $("#HQ_info").show(); 11/04/2020-13/04/2020. text-align: center; break; 49, rue Jean Jaurès - CS 80008 - 59040 Lille cedex select_is_ready = time_zone_dropdown('winter'); float: left; /*list of numbers for marking which number of image is displayed*/ .team_prizes{ margin-top: -10px; "UTC_minus_07","UTC_minus_06","UTC_minus_05' selected='selected","UTC_minus_04" ,"UTC_minus_03", border: 2px solid #131C4E; padding: 10px; -o-transition: all 0.4s ease; width: 30px; //get minutes ul.image_slider { padding:0px; width: 100%; margin: auto;} float:left; slider_counter+=1; } height: 25px; } } /*menu item styling // layer one*/ @media only screen and (max-width: 1100px) { padding-top:5px; /* change color when the submenu below is displayed*/ margin-right: 8px; .main_welcome_img{ width: 98%; border-radius: 5%; $(".current_page").parent().next().toggleClass("showing"); /*for images that are href*/ /******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ } }); .full_size_image{margin-top:-42px;} } background-color: #e2dee1; Main Page .igem_column_wrapper{padding-top:25px;} .accordion_control::before { content: "-"; } //this is a hub duration = (duration/60)*100; width: 10px; converted_hour = 3; $(".current_hub .igem_submenu").fadeToggle(400); $("a[href$='"+ page_url +"']").parent().addClass("current_hub"); } /*for subsection titles */ margin-bottom: 15px; display: block; .igem_column_wrapper h1, .igem_column_wrapper h2 { } if(day > months_days_limit ){ .winning_team > .team_name { .row.grey_backgrounds > .column.third_size, .row.grey_backgrounds > .column.half_size {width: 89%;} } width: 25px; font-family: Freeroad_Bold, Arial; border: 2px solid #f2f2f2; margin: 0; case 23: .winning_team > .team_section, .nominated_teams > .team_section { /*add extra space to page break with clear class*/ margin-top: 5px; margin: 3px; } } time_end_minutes = sixty + ((time_end % 100) - 60); } display: inline-block; .left_square{ Sitemap. return (hour_obj.hours+":"+hour_obj.minutes+" "+hour_obj.midday); border-color: #cccbca; date_array = grab_date.split(',').map(Number); color: black; .submenu_item.with_subsub_menu{ .highlight.decoration_dark_background h3{ border: 1px solid #00afaa; float: left; border: 2px solid #636263; #bodyContent h1, #bodyContent h2, #bodyContent h3, #bodyContent h4, #bodyContent h5 {margin-bottom: 0px;} height: 25px; French Ligue 1 scores, results and fixtures on BBC Sport, including live football scores, goals and goal scorers. $(".igem_menu").hide(); .right_side_info p{ hold_content = hold_content + } overflow-y: scroll; background-color:#00afaa; } .highlight.post_item > .details > .title { text-decoration:none; } padding: 5px 0px; float: left; text-align:center; //if the user wants to change the timezone color: #131C4E; } .igem_column_wrapper h1 { font-size: 190%;} color: #00AFAA; background-size: 25px 25px; .title_award_track{ content: "Contact: "; /* 66% */ content: "Team: "; } //display what option the user selected background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: auto; } //when the user clicks $(".igem_content_wrapper").hide(); .igem_column_wrapper a:hover { … font-weight: bold; } content: "+"; background-color: #efedef; } cursor: pointer; day = day - months_days_limit; padding-left: 4%; } float: left; background-image: url(''); width: 40%; margin: auto; background-size: 25px 25px; font-weight: bold; converted_hour = 8; .full_size img, height: 25px; .igem_column_wrapper h6 { font-size: 120%;} .scrolling_list{ font-family: Freeroad_Regular; .igem_column_wrapper td > ul li, .igem_column_wrapper ol ol li, .igem_column_wrapper ul ol li, .igem_column_wrapper ol ul li, .igem_column_wrapper ul ul li { //make hours and minutes look nice /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ converted_hour = 2; font-size: 200%; } float:left; /*general styling*/ font-weight: bold; We investigate this question combining longitudinal data on 1,239 Republicans and Democrats from late 2017 with data on Twitter accounts operated by the Russian Internet Research Agency. .clear.extra_space { function menu_functionality() { padding: 10px 0px 5px 0px; if (season == 'winter'){ font-weight: 500; border: 3px solid #0069A6; //time zones //start menu functionality .hub_icon_title{ $(this).toggleClass("displaying_content"); .two_thirds_size img, padding-left: 20px; courriel : content:""; height: 33px; width: 30px; } : 04 72 82 17 17 hold_all_dates[x][3], /* 1100px */ Revivez les meilleurs moments de FC Nantes - Dijon FCO (1-0) en vidéo. time_start = time_start - 2400; .main_message{ $(".submenu_access").click(function(){ } : 02 40 74 34 77 $('.scrolling_list').toggleClass('show_all'); border-top: 4px solid #0069a6; else{ time_end = (time_start - (time_start % 100)) + time_end_minutes; /************************************************/ .igem_menu { } background-color:#ffffff; } } .igem_column_wrapper p { color: #131c4e;{ color: #636263; .line_divider.dark { } font-weight: bold; } float:left; width: 25px; //append the options $(".current_page").parent().next().next().fadeToggle(400); border: 1px solid #cec6cc; padding: 7px 0px 4px 19%; text-align:right; border: 2px solid #131C4E; height: 35px; margin-bottom:1%; float: left; display:none; $('.scroll_control').toggleClass('show_less'); // load desired content function } //empty all timezones getting ready for appending /*styling for hub icons */ display:none; .highlight {padding:15px 5px;} .column.full_size > .highlight.post_item > .column.quarter_size { Un concours ouvrant à des emplois de nature différente permet d'accéder aux IRA. if ($("#HQ_info").length ){ } Visit us at, 45 Prospect Street } } $('#dt_'+x).append(change_time_zone(hold_all_dates[x][0], //make months + days look nice } $("#filtered_options").hide(); content: "Show less"; .full_size_image { margin-top: -40px;} } function load_these_items ( source_page , destination_div ) { .quarter_size img { .igem_column_wrapper td > ul { var hour_obj ={hours:0, minutes:0, midday:"AM"}; padding: 0px 0px 15px 0px; .submenu_item.current_page, .nominated_teams{ /* numbered lists */ max-width: 300px; } .row.grey_backgrounds > .column.third_size h2, .row.grey_backgrounds > .column.half_size h2{ $(this).parent().next().toggleClass("hide"); } background-size: 25px 25px; $("a[href$='"+page_url+"'] > .submenu_item").addClass("current_page"); .highlight.post_item > .details > .icon.pinned:after { } h1.center_content, 116 3e concours. if(duration%60 == 0){ } /* wrapper for the elements of the list*/ margin-top: -10px; content:""; #home_logo, #sideMenu, #sideMenu, #top_title, .patrollink {display:none;} width: 25px; .read_more:hover { .column.full_size > .highlight.post_item > .column.three_quarter_size { /*submenu item styling // layer two*/ .hub_icon.diversity{ background-image: url(;} } Tél. controller_number = $('ul.image_slider li').length; clear: both; Les choix à effectuer lors de l'inscription. background-color:#f2f2f2; Tél. border-bottom: 1px solid #e2dee1; 'July','August','September','October','November','December' ]; display:none; margin: auto; white-space:nowrap; var time_end_minutes = time_end % 100; width:100%; /* specifications for information details for the collaboration page */ } content:""; border-radius: 5%; background-color: white; .controlled_size_image{ .subsubmenu_item.current_subpage { Les caractéristiques propres aux candidats de chaque catégorie de concours sont prises en compte lors de l’évaluation de leurs prestations, à travers une. text-align: left; Nous vous recommandons également de consulter les documents du concours. overflow-y: auto; .highlight.decoration_red_top, .highlight.post_item.decoration_red_top { float:left; font-size: 150%; .igem_mobile_menu_bar { //in case all were selected, display the default div break; background-repeat: no-repeat; text-align: center; float:left; .highlight.post_item > .details > .icon.social_media:after { .image_slider img { width:100%; } //menu } margin: auto; default: else{ /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ color: #131c4e; margin: 0px; const months_array =['January','February','March','April','May','June', .main_message .text p{ .highlight.post_item > .details > .icon.ambassadors:after { background-image: url(; case "Cworkman": .column.half_size.awards_and_nominees { width: 100%; margin: 0px 0px 15px 0px; padding: 0;} } font-weight: bold; width:40px!important; //global variables //sponsors Leur principale mission est d'assurer la formation professionnelle initiale (12 mois), après concours, des attachés d'administration des différents services de l'État. border-bottom: 3px solid #131C4E; float: right; 1068 externe. Revivez les meilleurs moments de MONTPELLIER HÉRAULT SC - FC NANTES (1-1) en vidéo. break; slider_counter = $("ul.image_slider li.current_image").index()+1; } //if it is a Dev page, hide it unless it is an approved user{ } } page_url =""; //append the values for the time zone select dropdown .left_square.meetup_icon{ ul.image_slider { font-size: 155%; padding-top:7px; height: 15px; cursor: pointer; $("ul.image_slider li.current_image").removeClass("current_image"); a.image_href{ padding: 10px 0px 0px 0%; } background-color: #00afaa !important; font-size: 130%; } page_url =""; hold_all_dates[date_counter]=date_array; font-weight: bold; .highlight.post_item > .details > .date { While numerous studies analyze the strategy of online influence campaigns, their impact on the public remains an open question. } case "Nemanja": /* text */ .highlight.post_item { if ($("#navigation_support").length) { .read_more::before{ .column.full_size > .highlight.post_item > .column.full_size p, padding-right:5%; /* 650px */ Tél. @media only screen and (max-width: 850px) { background-size: 25px 25px; cursor:pointer; 1, rue de la Bourgeonnière - BP 82234 - 44322 Nantes cedex 03 /*buttons for moving forward and backward between the images*/ color: white; "UTC +04","UTC +05","UTC +06","UTC +07 ","UTC +08 (CST) ","UTC +09", } converted_hour = 4;{ background-image: url(;} text-decoration: underline; border: 2px solid #c1c1c1; content:'SHOW LESS'; } //accordion functionality Lauréats: Les … } $(this).prev(".read_more_text").fadeToggle(400); //add hours plus minutes in military format .submenu_access.showing { La titularisation est prononcée par l’employeur à l’issue du parcours de formation de 12 mois. if(wgPageName.substring(0, 3) == 'Dev'){ break; } background-color: #e2dee1; //check if the user is in the approved list to view Dev pages and HQ info content } display: inline-block; } //if a number is clicked menu_functionality(); //news items Les IRA permettent également, pour un nombre limité de postes, de devenir secrétaire des affaires étrangères (cadre d'administration, 4 à 6 postes par an) ou d’intégrer la Caisse des dépôts et consignations (20 postes par an). $(".image_controller").click(function(){ } .hub_icon.teams{ background-image: url(;} //support functionality or special pages utc_value = -700; } height: 25px; var controller_number = 0; Les Instituts régionaux d'administration sont des écoles d'application à vocation interministérielle, situées à Bastia, Lille, Lyon, Metz et Nantes. case "Kitwa": background-repeat: no-repeat; .igem_menu_logo { case 2: background-image: url(''); } .highlight.post_item > .details { color: #ffffff; } height: 25px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; h3.center_content, Résultats; Statistiques et rapports; CLASSE PRÉPARATOIRE INTÉGRÉE. /*navigation_support*/ var months_days_limit = days_in_month[month]; /* table cells */ color: #1e1d1e; .highlight.post_item > .details > .icon.note:after { ul.image_slider li.current_image { } .igem_menu_item:hover, time_end = time_end - 2400; .scroll_control{ if( slider_counter >= $('ul.image_slider li').length ){ par Sylvain Maechler, le 7 octobre 2020 À propos de : Tim Bartley, Rules without Rights : Land, Labor, and Private Authority in the Global Economy, Oxford University Press. .details .post_information.post_location::before { var select_is_ready = false; J-3 avant la clôture des inscriptions pour les concours d'accès aux IRA :
Fleuve L'yser En Belgique, Mariage Thierry Breton, La Langue Irlandaise Aujourd'hui, Dj Snake - Paris, Chronologie De Laffaire Vincent Lambert, L'appel Du Sang, Olga Nikolaïevna Avocat, Rihanna Tatouage Arabe, Jul Loin De Tout,